

HOLGER LANG - NEWS - EVENTS - SCREENINGS - SHOWS - MORE - more - more - but what, just the nwes, where I have been, where I will be, where I may have gone to? Events, Screenings, Shows, sure, all that is super-important and matters to teh world. Just look at it, how few people ever took notice so far. In case the company deletes all my posts, as companies cancel services and abandon tools, then all this collected and compiled stuff will go down in nothingness. There si even an origin story to this movement: The 1981 Chic album Take It Off includes the song "Your Love Is Canceled" which compares a break-up to the cancellation of TV shows. The song was written by Nile Rodgers following a bad date Rodgers had with a woman who expected him to misuse his celebrity status on her behalf. "Your Love Is Canceled" inspired screenwriter Barry Michael Cooper to include a reference to a woman being "canceled" in the 1991 film New Jack City. This usage introduced the term to African-American Vernacular English, where it eventually become more common. By around 2015, the concept of canceling had become widespread on Black Twitter to refer to a personal decision, sometimes seriously and sometimes in jest, to stop supporting a person or work. According to Jonah Engel Bromwich of The New York Times, this usage of cancellation indicates the "total disinvestment in something (anything)". But it's not me, claiming that, it's the interweb.