port manteau

she: can’t you just put out the news about public events or other significant artistic appearances that include or present your work or contribution?
he: no, I can’t
she: and why is that so?
he: just because …
she: that’s not a reason!
he: there is no reason
she: there is always a reason for everything, or at least a cause
he: that may be the case, but I don’t care about that
she: but I do, and I want to know why you put out this crap and not the important stuff?
he: that sounds condescending and degrading
she: because it is, in a way, not about you, but about the stuff that you publish
he: you call that publishing?
she: it is, and it can potentially be seen by many people!
he: see …
she: see what?
he: potentially, but not really, it’s hovering in insignificance, safely and sound
she: it could be seen by very many people, and then they would not get it …
he: - and that’s exactly the point!
she: what - that you are not seen and what you show is meaningless and absurd?
he: yeah, kind of -
she: that’s not a very reasonable and productive attitude!
he: and would you consider that a good thing, or a bad thing, or some other thing?
she: I just want to understand why …
he: why it doesn’t matter?
she: yeah, that too
he: there is nothing specific to understand
she: so why do it at all, what’s it for?
he: for nothing, or for eternity - or just for me - does it really matter?
she: yeah, it does, it can be good for you, or - it could - if you would use it properly
he: I guess I can’t
she: that’s what I see
he: so I just let it be …
she: hmmm, I know, I know, that’s also what I see
he: then it’s ok?
she: grumbles inarticulately